Collies are a larger dog (50 to 70 pounds and 22 to 26 inches tall) that requires moderate exercise. Because they were breed for herding, they do have the need for daily exercise, however, this can be playing with the kids in the backyard. They also enjoy taking walks about the neighborhood, so it is a good option for those that like to walk for exercise. The Collie can learn to fetch, but this is not natural to the breed and I would find other means of exercising the animal. The life span of the Collie is 10 to 14 years. Due to breeding, there are multiple health problems with the dog, so a mixed breed or careful selection of a pure breed is suggested.
The personality of the Collie makes it a great family dog. It is useful as a watch dog and will bark when it senses that something is not right. It tolerates children well and will be protective and loyal to the family. An intelligent dog, it “reads” the owners needs and tries to anticipate those needs. It is also playful and fun loving and large enough to tolerate rough play that children can sometimes provide. There are multiple stories of Collies rescuing people, children, or pets. History tells of one Collie that traveled over 2,000 miles to return to the family home when it was lost during a trip.
There are two different coats for a Collie: rough (long hair) and smooth (shorter hair). Both coats have an outer coat and an undercoat and both shed moderately. The two coats have different grooming requirements. Rough coats should be brushed a minimum of twice a week and more often (daily) if you want to have the classic Collie look of long flowing fur. Smooth coats can be brushed once a week. Especially, in warmer climates, the dog will need to be brushed frequently to help remove the shed fur. It is suggested that the dog be bathed about every 6 to 8 weeks. Due to the long fur (rough variety) this may mean a trip to a groomer. It can be difficult to manage the fur and get the job accomplished well. The smooth coat is much easier to bathe. As with all breeds remember to get nails clipped and brush the teeth about once a week or more often.
Collies are intelligent dogs that like to be around the herd (family). They can be a good dog for a first time owner that has the time to spend on grooming. They do well in agility trials, as companion dogs, assistance or therapy dogs, and herding. The herding instinct is so strong that they may herd other pets or children! They do not tolerate hot climates as well as cooler climates. They will adapt to apartment swelling as long as they get regular exercise on a daily basis. This dog does require the owner to be an active part of its life or it can become noisy and bark frequently.