The Best Present Received by me on St. Valentine's Day !


Usually I do not write about accessories and the purchases too, there is no spare time for this. But this time in anticipation of the following Valentine’s Day I will make an exception.

I must admit that I have been married for several years already, have already outgrown the teenager’s age long ago, so I am quite skeptical about the most romantic holiday. I understand that the sense of St. Valentine’s Day sometimes is in the commercial profit of different gift, postcard or soft toy shops. But my wife’s present, which she has made beforehand being as practical person as I am with the words “this is your Valentine” has much influenced my attitude to St. Valentine’s Day.

These are such presents, which are desired to be received time and again, but not shower gel, a useless postcard or something in the form of a heart. And now for both men’s and women’s hysterics on what to give on the 14th of February could subside, I will tell you about the best present!

Right now a sleeve bag Cozistyle Smart Sleeve is lying on my knees. It is my wife’s present receiving which I have understood that there was nothing more suitable and necessary received by me on the 14 of February before. Even quite memorable and expensive glasses, which I have been taking to the vacation for 3 years successfully, and then broken them occasionally having sat on them in the café, appeared to be in the shade.

I have been using Apple products for a long time. I regularly exchange old iPhone versions for the new ones and have bought iPad for my wife, an ‘apple’ computer is standing at home and MacBook Pro is used by me at work. The only problem with exploitation by recent time was not very comfortable original bag. And though it could somehow cope with the main functions, but in 1.5 years it has become worn out. So it occurred to my wife to buy another one and give it on St. Valentine’s Day to me.

The first thing that caught my sight was stylish design. The bag is black and it solves a problem of matching smart clothes. As I have checked on the Web there is a variety of color ranges, so every user can find a suitable variant – a girl, student, businessman, hipster etc. It is made of quality leather, well-designed and thought; it is pleasant to hold it in your hands. You see, a quality product is noticeable immediately.

Ergonomics is also at height here. If before the gift taking out my laptop from the old bag I had troubles with a zipper and then was trying to pull out the laptop outside hoping that USB-controller of the mouth didn’t get out of order (unfortunately, it happened once), everything works perfectly here, zipper puller is metal, nothing can break down or will skip. And the most important thing that differs this bag from other similar ones: it is mobile and simple in exploitation. To start using laptop there is no necessity to take it out of the bag: just open the bag and that’s all, the laptop opens together with it! Now I don’t see any sense to take MacBook out of the sleeve as it is comfortable to work so too.

The situation with proportions and sizes is surprisingly the same good. The bag suits my MacBook perfectly: all the angles perfectly fit in and are as if fixed inside.

As I have mentioned already it is not mine to write about accessories. But Cozistyle Smart Sleeve bag has changed my viewpoint about functionality, comfort and design. To prepare it for work you will need only a couple of seconds, and even less time to fold it. There is no need to take the laptop out and then put it inside again for me! I save my time performing my work faster. And, of course, I am very grateful to my wife, who found me the best present for St. Valentine’s Day on .
In general, if you want to surprise your second half, there is no need to rack your brains imagining different ideas, just use my recommendation.