How to achieve a Positive Environment for Nursing Care Home Residents


Residents living in nursing homes often require a good amount of personal attention. This can only be achieved if the care home has adequate number of staff to spend time with each such resident. Not only is the time element important, the quality of time spent makes a big difference. To this effect nursing home Residents often require a good amount of personal attention. This can only be achieved if the nursing home has adequate number of staff to spend time with each resident. Not only is the time element important, the quality of time spent makes a big difference. To this effect nursing care homes Yeovil ensure that the time spent by their staff even if only for half hour or so, has a positive impact i.e. they work on stimulating the mental and social aspects of the concerned resident.

How it is done

Helping residents in nursing homes to better their life quality requires special knowledge and techniques. Based on researches and interviews conducted with residents in nursing homes, as also the input from pertinent Government sources, it was found that while most nursing homes concentrate on quality care, exactly what impact it has on the residents in the care home? It is not just the physical requirements of elders that need to be evaluated  their psychological, functional, social and environmental aspects also need to be checked into.

That extra touch

Residents in nursing care homes Yeovil though well looked after are living in a restricted environment. However, many of them may be in a frail state, so would require a bigger slice of ‘quality of life’ looking after. Some areas that would help this to happen would include personal engagement, environment, personal attention, assessing negative and positive moods and food enjoyment. The number of hours spent by the nursing home staff with the residents would also have an important and positive impact. Surprisingly, it was found that in many larger nursing homes which had higher profit-intake, and a bigger medical teams were not doing too well in the quality of life aspect with regard to their residents.

Looking at individual needs

Every resident in a nursing home is different – some are older, some with health disorders – physical and mental. Because of this the nursing attendants need to assess each resident separately on their limitations. Special attention is required for residents with special needs such as ‘risk characteristics’. It is important for staff to look beyond the physical needs of the residents and introduce a few goal-directed and useful social activities. Nursing care homes Yeovil should ensure that they have adequate staff to provide such services to the residents.

What could have a negative impact

If a nursing home does not have the requisite number of staff to look after its residents, the latter could experience many discomforts. This could include bodily functions like only having one shower in the week, leading to poor hygiene and infections setting in. Other areas like checking if the residents are properly fed and kept warm and comfortable, especially if they are relegated to a wheel chair. The rooms too in which the residents are kept, there should be enough light and space, so they do not feel nervous and claustrophobic leading to agitated behaviour.