Lyme Illness In Dogs


Lyme Illness In K-9s is often connected with a tick bite. The development of Lyme illness might take anywhere from a couple of weeks to months. In k-9s and cats the symptoms can include, arthritis as well as limping.

The areas being infected could become hot and the pain can also include stiffness which can lead to the animal arching it’s back. Many other warning signs include anorexia as well as fevers.

Animals having Lyme disease could also go through kidney problems. It is also a possibility for the nervous system to be infected, and in certain cases even the heart can be affected with Lyme disease.

So how can we prevent this from happening? The primary thing that you can do is to obtain yourself a tick collar specifically for your animal. Or alternatively you’ll be able to obtain topical flee and tick medicines. 

So let’s take a look at how exactly Lyme disease is identified. To determine Lyme disease, blood tests are done, basically if the amount of antibodies maximise four fold the pets has an active infection. 

But I will say that the tick collar is an effective idea, because of the saying prevention is better than cure. If the tick is eliminated within a 48-hour period it won’t be able to spread out the Lyme disease.

Many times they will be able to stay on a pet’s body even though they are actually dead due to the fact that a part of the head and mouth remains
stuck in the skin.

There are a few safe ways to take out a tick. You could potentially get a tick twister or you can get Frontline and place a small drop on the place the tick is biting. Do not just pull it off using the tweezers. This is going to cause it to inject salivaor and blood directly into the skin and increase the chances of transmitting a disease. 

A good method you could use, I use this one. You need methelated spirits and a cotton ball, I believe applying alcohol should work, however i have never utilized that so I am unable to say if it will work or not.

Dab some methelated spirits upon the cotton ball. Place this on the tick and wait a few seconds. count to ten.Lift it up to find out if the tick let go. If it did, grab it and keep it in the cotton ball.