Welcome Baby with a Sip and See!


Introduce your new baby to the world with a trendy Sip and See party! Sip and Sees are different from a traditional baby shower since they focus more on baby than mom by basically providing a type of “open house” where family and friends can all come to meet the new arrival. This makes it great for celebrating a second or third child as they don’t normally get a baby shower. 


Usually a Sip and See is held two or three months after baby is born, when you’ve adjusted a bit to the craziness of having a newborn and your little one won’t be as sensitive to germs that might come from meeting a big crowd of people. Choose a morning or afternoon that works for you and would be convenient for guests. Avoid baby’s nap times if you can so he (or she) is awake for the big debut. 


By the time you actually have the sip and see most of your really close family and friends would have seen the baby so this is the perfect time to invite extended family, coworkers, and anyone else that hasn’t yet met the newest member of your clan. One of the best things about a sip and see is that you have a lot of choice in the atmosphere of the party, whether you want a casual get-together or a fancy soiree, so you can decide to send mailed invitations (like these adorable ones from Etsy) or just email your invites.


Panda Paws Plush and Sock Set​​

It’s also up to you if you want your guests to bring presents or not. Since you already have the basic essentials, your guests can bring clothes, bedding, and other cute little baby accessories to the bash. If the party is for a second or third child and you’re already drowning in baby items then asking guest to bring diapers might be a practical choice. After all you can’t have too many diapers with a new baby in the house! Just choose what makes you comfortable and be sure to specify what’s expected in the invitations.


One thing you do have to have is a drinks table. This adds the “sip” to the Sip and See. It doesn’t need to be alcoholic, again this is whatever you are comfortable with, but a little area where guest can pick up a drink and maybe some small appetizers is a must. Choose simple foods that would be quick and easy to prepare since you’re already busy with your newborn. Same things with the decorations if you choose to decorate at all. Either way having someone (like the new grandmother or a best friend) help you with planning and setting up the party is great. Specially as an extra hand with refreshments and gifts while you are occupied with greeting guests and keeping an eye on baby.


No matter what the perfect sip and see party looks like to you, be sure to take plenty of pictures to treasure later on when baby grows up. Remember this is your time to show off the newest member of your family so enjoy every moment of it!