6 Safety Tips That Every Kid Should Know


Raising your children in a dangerous world can be nerve-racking. While you might be tempted to avoid anything that might be a perceived danger, in reality that’s an impossible task. The best way to keep your kids safe is by teaching them about it and keeping regular fingerprint kits for kids in Orange County, CA. Here are 6 safety tips that you should teach your children.

  1. Use the buddy system. There is safety in numbers no matter how old your child is. Whether they are going to the bathroom or simply walking home from school, make sure that they have someone to accompany them. This can help to ensure that they make it to their destination safely.
  2. Don’t ever open the door for strangers. Whether you are at home or you’ve left your child home alone, it’s important that they know to keep the door closed and locked for strangers. If you are leaving, make sure that they know which friends and family members can be permitted inside while you aren’t there.
  3. Teach them what to do in the case of an emergency. If there is an issue and your child needs to call out for help, it’s important that they know how to use a cell phone. Teach them how to unlock your phone and call 911. It’s also vital that they memorize their full name, address, phone number, and the names of their parents as soon as they can. This can help emergency responders to know how to help as quickly as possible.
  4. Trust their feelings. It’s important that your kids know how to understand and trust their feelings. If someone makes them feel uncomfortable, that’s okay; oftentimes there are reasons for that. Trust your children’s ability to judge someone’s character and support their feelings.
  5. Don’t keep secrets. Communication is key when it comes to your children’s safety. Make sure that your home is one where opinions, thoughts, and feelings can be openly expressed. Often times, pedophiles and other criminals coax children into keeping secrets to hide their unsavory activities. By fostering open communication, you can help to eliminate these dangerous secrets.
  6. Designate a safe house and a safe word. If your children feel that they are in danger and you aren’t around, find a neighbor’s house that they can go to. This should be someone that you can trust. It’s also a good idea to establish a family safe word. This word should be used when your children feel unsafe. It can be texted or emailed if necessary to let you know that there is an issue. It can also help to identify people that you might have sent to care for your children or pick them up from school.

There are plenty of ways to keep your kids safe from outside threats. By teaching them the above tips, investing in fingerprint kits for kids in Orange County, CA, and practicing how to implement the safety rules, you’ll be prepared should an emergency ever occur.